America's Traffic in Child Pornography
Guest: Lori Handrahan

Dr. Lori Handrahan discusses her research into rampant pedophilia that her new book, "Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape", documents in detail. She analyzes pedophilia, not as a sexual orientation, or as an act of “attraction” to children, but as violent abuse and sadism, often ending in death, that meets the Convention Against Torture definition. Discussed is the lack of comprehensive data collection on arrests of pedophiles in a fast growing crime wave about which little is known; the easy profit-model of child rape; online networks; the proliferation of servers, websites, pictures and videos; the traffic in infants and toddlers; professions that act as magnets for pedophiles; attempts to define pedophilia as a disability rather than a violent crime; the massive amount of child porn on computers in all government agencies; the powerful as perpetrators.

Intense commodification of human beings in our fascist economy is no mystery. We experience it in every transaction, and in most daily interactions. Maybe I'm in denial because I continue to wonder how children are obtained for this horrific and degenerate market. What are the most likely or prevalent ways little girls and boys are wrested or isolated from parents and/or trustworthy caretakers? Thanatoptic and sadistic mindsets are common, especially among wealthier and more powerful cliques. How else could they promote needless war and consider nuclear war? Life has been degraded by isolation, fear and constant anxiety so that at least 20% are impaired at any one time by real environmental depression. We find that employees must routinely break laws or commit immoral or unethical acts to keep a steady income. Makes me wonder if there are causes beyond the totalitarian Capitalist marketplace.I expect we'd have to try and eliminate the profit motive and labor exploitation to find out. Is forcing sex on children akin to pharmaceutical and illicit drug addiction, just another means of distraction? The spectacles and celebrity we endure seems to mesh seamlessly with pedophilia.
"The Journey Begins"
What an absolutely horrifying world we are living in.. I've been paying attention to this Talmudic push for legalized pederasty and perversion for sometime, and I loathe to learn more, but know that in the end, knowledge really is power. As Sun Tzu wrote about knowing the enemy to win the war, indeed, war is being waged on us. When will the supposed ''good, decent people'' say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? Lori, I would like to suggest possibly getting in touch with Kyle Hunt from and maybe doing an interview there as well.. Kyle and his wife did the heart wrenching work of compiling so much compelling evidence into the origins of this beyond depraved degeneracy's strangle hold on our known western world in their profound documentary, The Big Picture : Pizzagate and Beyond, and their follow up film, The Big Picture of Child Trafficking : Mind Control Culture. I highly suggest watching them both. Thank you for sharing your story and for the courageous work that you do.
What an absolutely horrifying world we are living in.. I've been paying attention to this Talmudic push for legalized pederasty and perversion for sometime, and I loathe to learn more, but know that in the end, knowledge really is power. As Sun Tzu wrote about knowing the enemy to win the war, indeed, war is being waged on us. When will the supposed ''good, decent people'' say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? Lori, I would like to suggest possibly getting in touch with Kyle Hunt from and maybe doing an interview there as well.. Kyle and his wife did the heart wrenching work of compiling so much compelling evidence into the origins of this beyond depraved degeneracy's strangle hold on our known western world in their profound documentary, The Big Picture : Pizzagate and Beyond, and their follow up film, The Big Picture of Child Trafficking : Mind Control Culture. I highly suggest watching them both at or Thank you for sharing your story and for the courageous work that you do.
My stomach churned through this whole episode. What a horrific nightmare of sickness, darkness, and disease. That evil must be stopped. One organization making some progress against child sexual abuse and trafficking is May we all become a greater force for good in this troubled world.
Intense show. I was distracted by Ms. Handrahan%u2019s main thesis: that this is a crime of %u201Cwhite men.%u201D To make such a statement reflects a strong callous bias. We see in the American Black community higher rates of pedophile than in the White or Asians, as do Latinos; we a high rate of pedophilia within the Jewish community, and is actually contained within the Talmud; we see extreme cases of it in Arab and Muslim cultures, where certainly the selling of sex slaves is common knowledge; we see child prostitution and slavery all over South East Asia, again common knowledge; we see pedophilia throughout Central and South America, and we illegal Latino sex slavery operating right here in the US, which is exclusively for illegal Latino migrants. For anyone to dismiss what has and is taking place worldwide is not credible. And having worked with the United Nations over a period of ten years I know that this criminal act is taking place well beyond the %u201Cwhite man.%u201D Troubling also was her failure to address the growing level of female teachers engaging in sexual acts with male students. Certainly we are only seeing a limited picture that must be far greater than what the media is reporting. She did not discuss Pizzagate. How could she not have at least reviewed the open source information contained on Wikileaks? Dr. Jim Fetzer interview for NYPD detective Roth who stated explicitly that pedophilia rings operate at the highest levels of government and business, in which women do engage in. I was troubled by her failure to address the role women play throughout. While I know men are largely the perpetrators, women play a huge role in facilitation. Why we are so blind to see that woman played a huge role in facilitating Harvey Weinstein crimes is just as much beyond me as it comes to this crime. She did not discuss is the connection between homosexuality and child sexual abuse. This information was common knowledge before the Ginsburg ruling. Lastly, I was troubled by her depiction of the %u201Cconspiracy.%u201D While I know through my own professional examination there is a conspiracy element that plays a large part, for instance NABLA; to say that because official X in government agency was masturbating to child porn that mean the IT staff along with the higher ups are all involved. That%u2019s pushing it too far. If Ms. Handrahan is so serious about this very heinous crime, then I would suggest, stop looking for your tenured position at some university. Put together a wiki and start soliciting help from others; for instance amateur investigators (who are often better than the professionals) and retired police officers and investigators. Do your research outside the confines of the university as it will be more beneficial to the victims, past, present and future Overall it was a very interesting dialog, and I agree more needs to be done, but Ms. Handrahan needs to take a step back and carefully consider her bias.
This is disgusting! She speaks of white men being the main perpetrators of child rape, and that offends me. The reality is that pedophiles from all over the world flock to the U.S.A. to do their perversions on American children. And the children they seem to PREFER are WHITE CHILDREN! And when little boys are raped, the little boys are turned into future pedophiles. That is their goal. This reality we live in, is their goal. The destruction of the white race in America, and the U.K. as well, is their goal. And the role of pedophiles from foreign countries, is part of their agenda. Blaming white men is being dishonest, and misrepresenting this horrific problem. White men DO abuse children, and they usually are in positions of authority to children. But it is NOT a "white mans" perversion, by any means! The truth is that we are all surrounded by unbelievably depraved individuals AT ALL TIMES! Our government has expeditited citizenship for foreigners who were convicted of snuff films of children in their own countries! They are importing pedophiles every single day! And the real problem is that the police are heavily involved in child trafficking and pedophilia. The FBI, CIA, ALL GOV'T AGENCIES who are given the job of protecting children, are responsible for much of this problem! The courts are the bottom line, however. The courts institutionalize the acceptance of degeneracy and this has been the case for a VERY LONG TIME! Pedophiles are NEVER sentenced appropriately, when they actually DO get sentenced. Usually these individuals are not even CHARGED with a crime! They are not even scared of getting caught. Thats why the worlds worst pedophiles have flooded this country! No other country simply ALLOWS their children to be preyed upon and abused, the way we do. Our children simply disappear and the children are blamed, and treated as run-aways. There isnt an American citizen, especially a white, American citizen, alive who isnt affected personally by pedophilia being perpetrated upon them. This is nothing new. The military, the churches, government, schools, doctors, sports, police...there is no end! It isnt white men. Look at the illegal alien crime reports!! They overwhelmingly represent sexual crimes, most of which are to children. American children! Is this why they are promoting American low-income women NOT having access to abortion?! Because they WANT to have a broader supply?!
There isnt an American citizen, especially a white, American citizen, alive who isnt affected personally by pedophilia being perpetrated upon them. ???!!!! An example of some of the absurd hysterical statements in posts to the show! Get a grip if not a life you all.
In the months of April & May this year, TedTalks had not only one but two talks promoting pedophilia in separate venues. Psychologist Madeleine van der Bruggen & med student Mirjam Heine both presented pedophilia as just another sexual orientation that the rest of us "have to grow up to accept." I find it interesting that both presenters were women, as if whoever was behind promoting their talks knew a man would most likely be torn apart for suggesting such a thing. Unbelievable. If it's true that 57 million pedosadists are in the world now, then that's 57 million monsters the world can happily live without. I can sympathize with the anti-incarceration movement, but pedosadism, serial murderers & serial rapists need to be a very important exception. Such offenders can NEVER be rehabilitated.