Recent False Flags

The clash of civilizations versus a clash of histories; Islamic terror versus false flag terror; evidence and analysis of false flag terror at the Orlando Pulse Nightclub; the Strategy of Tension and False Flag Terror; common characteristics of false flags; evidence of false flag terror in Orlando, Paris, Nice, Munich, Dallas and Baton Rouge. 
The clash of civilizations versus a clash of histories; Islamic terror versus false flag terror; evidence and analysis of false flag terror at the Orlando Pulse Nightclub; the Strategy of Tension and False Flag Terror; common characteristics of false flags; evidence of false flag terror in Orlando, Paris, Nice, Munich, Dallas and Baton Rouge. 
Left: Omar Mateen, accused Orlando shooter, killed by authorities

Right: Siddique Mateen, father of Omar Mateen and former candidate for the presidency
of Afghanistan
Holes Punched in Pulse Nightclub
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1 Comment

Jerry Alatalo - October 30th, 2016 at 1:17pm

What is absolutely baffling is that while it's clear major and highly consequential false flag events have been carried out by governments and represent disgraceful crimes of state-sponsored terrorism, legal efforts (attorneys, whistle blowers, etc./men and woman with high standards of morality) to expose those crimes have not emerged and successfully held the state terrorists responsible. Equally mind-bending is the absence of whistle blowers from the public safety sector aware of the false flag terrorism coming forward, although these men and women (otherwise, seemingly) possess the highest levels of personal integrity. One finds these situations occurring around the Earth without effective counter-efforts to get to the truth simply inexplicable, disheartening and disappointing.



