Guns and Butter CENSORED - Again

Guns and Butter was again censored by the staff at KPFA. On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, we had planned to go on live for the current KPFA Fund Drive and offer Dissolving Illusions: Vaccination Past and Present by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. However, on Tuesday we were notified by the Program Director at KPFA, Laura Prives, that our show would not air and instead be preempted. The following is the full text of her email:
The book Dissolving Illusions is not KPFA fund drive premium material.
We will have to preempt your show tomorrow.
KPFA follows basic ethical standards for choosing thank you gifts presented to listeners, that is, to tell the truth and do no harm. Thank you gifts must be vetted for authenticity. Offering thank you gifts that contain unverified claims, such as cancer cures or fully discredited theories, such as a link between autism and vaccinations, violate basic ethical standards. Thank you gifts offering cures for life-threatening diseases or those validating unsubstantiated fears on controversial topics will undoubtedly be popular and are likely to bring in a large amount of donations. This is all the more reason to avoid "cashing in" and to hold to ethical standards.
Debates and discussions on this type of information outside of fund drives are certainly justifiable in order to present listeners with a full scope of a topic. But when KPFA offers books, CDs and DVDs during fund drive there is an implied endorsement of the information in that gift. For the same reason KPFA does not offer thank you gifts of items by political candidates during election season. The thank you gift implies an endorsement of the candidate. As a trusted media outlet KPFA has a responsibility to offer thank you gifts that are as credible and unbiased as is its daily reporting and public affairs broadcasting.
Thanks for your cooperation,
It seems that Free-Speech Radio is not so free and instead fails to address this topic in an honest and open manner.
We had also planned to discuss the recent controversy of the movie Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe which was recently censored by the Tribeca Film Festival. The censorship of the film has exploded across the alternative media even leaking into the mainstream media with appearances of Robert De Niro on ABC World News and the Today Show. Sadly, much of the progressive media has failed to cover it honestly or thoroughly,
What you can do to help:
The book Dissolving Illusions is not KPFA fund drive premium material.
We will have to preempt your show tomorrow.
KPFA follows basic ethical standards for choosing thank you gifts presented to listeners, that is, to tell the truth and do no harm. Thank you gifts must be vetted for authenticity. Offering thank you gifts that contain unverified claims, such as cancer cures or fully discredited theories, such as a link between autism and vaccinations, violate basic ethical standards. Thank you gifts offering cures for life-threatening diseases or those validating unsubstantiated fears on controversial topics will undoubtedly be popular and are likely to bring in a large amount of donations. This is all the more reason to avoid "cashing in" and to hold to ethical standards.
Debates and discussions on this type of information outside of fund drives are certainly justifiable in order to present listeners with a full scope of a topic. But when KPFA offers books, CDs and DVDs during fund drive there is an implied endorsement of the information in that gift. For the same reason KPFA does not offer thank you gifts of items by political candidates during election season. The thank you gift implies an endorsement of the candidate. As a trusted media outlet KPFA has a responsibility to offer thank you gifts that are as credible and unbiased as is its daily reporting and public affairs broadcasting.
Thanks for your cooperation,
It seems that Free-Speech Radio is not so free and instead fails to address this topic in an honest and open manner.
We had also planned to discuss the recent controversy of the movie Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe which was recently censored by the Tribeca Film Festival. The censorship of the film has exploded across the alternative media even leaking into the mainstream media with appearances of Robert De Niro on ABC World News and the Today Show. Sadly, much of the progressive media has failed to cover it honestly or thoroughly,
What you can do to help:
- Share this blog post by email or social media and get the word out about the unfair, unethical and completely misinformed censorship.
- Contact KPFA to let them know you are unhappy with their decision to censor this book and material.
- Check out the resources below to get yourself more informed about this important topic and subscribe the to National Vaccine Information Center to become legislatively active and involved.
- Consider supporting Guns and Butter, which is not afraid of any truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is. If you donate $100 or more, we will send you Dissolving Illusions: Vaccination Past and Present included with a personal note from Bonnie.
Links and Resources:
- Guns and Butter shows on vaccines
- The Vaccine Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose by Richard Gale and Gary Null
- Dissolving Illusions: Vaccination Past and Present by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
- Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
- Robert De Niro's ABC World News Interview
- Robert De Niro's Today Show interview
- Dissolving Illusions Book Review by Jeffrey Dach MD
- The New Red Scare ~ by Roman Bystrianyk
- New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA by Jon Rappoport
- National Vaccine Information Center
- Guns and Butter Uncensored: An interview with Gary Null, Ph.D. on Vaccines and SB277 - Part One
- Guns and Butter Uncensored: An interview with Gary Null, Ph.D. on Vaccines and SB277 - Part Two
The only thing "discredited", here, is Program Director at KPFA, Laura Prives.
Program Director at KPFA, Laura Prives should resign ore be voted out of her position as program director. Perhaps she should have read the materials she has censored to be informed on the subject.
KPFA appears to be controlled by the Democratic Party now, and so any shows that challenge the corporate Democratic Party line are subject to censorship. This is against the mission statement of KPFA and sgainst the principles of Lewis Hill, who founded KPFA as a station dedicated to FREE SPEECH. It's time to rise up against the paid pfogrammers who control the station to serve THEIR OWN interests. ENOUGH!
i agree with the two comments before mine. i have just written an email to l. prices which i also sending to guns and butter. how can someone be so sure about something she has not read the full information on? anyone who wants confirmation see VAXXED in local theatres. thank you bonnie for letting us know
Totally shameful decision. Maybe I'm being unduly suspicious but I'm wondering if KPFA is covertly receiving funding from vaccine manufacturers and/or foundations that have a financial stake in them. If anyone has even a partially open mind and researches this issue, it becomes glaringly obvious that the meme that vaccinations are safe and effective is demonstrably false. i just saw the movie, Vaxxed, which is startling even to anyone who is knowledgable about this issue; It provides documented evidence that the CDC has criminally falsified date proving the link between the MMR and autism in children. It is appalling that KPFA is colluding with governmental authorities and the mainstream media in what is proving to be a futile attempt to suppress the truth about vaccines. If KPFA continues to allow Laura Prives and her minions/controllers to censor programs, I can not in good conscience renew my membership.
It is very encouraging to see such articulate responses (see below). Re Marty Gutherz's response (May 18, 6:40 PM), good for him/her re NOT renewing his/her KPFA membership! However, maybe he/she could take the money he/she donated to KPFA before and NOW give it directly to Bonnie Faulkner, so she can continue to walk the long, hard walk of searching for truth and reality. I used to listen to some of the other shows on KPFA, but I got so disgusted with some of them (won't name there here), that I simply could not continue listening, One of the shows censored my comments, which were always well thought out and never mean, never used any foul language. What I did do was point to some hard facts about various topics, and that was NOT welcomed. There have been a very few Guns and Butter shows that I did not appreciate. However, Bonnie always read and listened to my comments, never became irate, and never censored me. Thank you, Bonnie. I shall send a small donation (wishing it could be a huge donation) to the address you list on your Guns and Butter site: Bonnie Faulkner, P.O. Box 184, Glen Ellen, CA 95442 Thank you Bonnie for giving so much of yourself to educate all of us about such important topics as the real problems with vaccines, war and economy, false flag events--esp. 911 (that took a lot of courage), the ever increasing police state, the economy and who drives it and who dies from it, GMOs etc.etc. I encourage all to Google topics such as anti-vaccine doctors found dead. Here is one site Dead Doctors: Now 8 Dead And Disappeared - Are Medicine's Finest Being Assassinated? The Shocking Links! I have great concern for Doctors such as Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. And, I think it is imperative that ALL of us who seek the truth are there to support these brave doctors and also Bonnie.
Bonnie: you are a fearless hero: we all respect you and admire your courage. your 911 insights are the only shows i ever found on any media, even esp. KPFA. i am so appalled at the DNC for surrendering to the common practice of avoiding this conversatio, which to me and a few others, seems so obvious that it's incredible the entire nation has been fooled. these massive deceptions are historical, and hysterical at once. keep it up, Bonnie. you go grrrl! ~~jimmy mankind
A long time ago, nonprofit corporados bought out KPFA and this is the result; proto-nazis institutionally stomping objective facts, science, and open debate in favor of their fear-based irrationality. And then, the booger-headed nazi dares to invoke ethics; where? Up there. . . . you know, yer head dont fit. . . Lyle Courtsal,
9/11 Truth not as controversial as vaccine safety!! Wow!!